4 foto
20 Avaliações
vl******68 - 0
26 Nov 2024
très joli
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ot*****52 - 1
20 Nov 2024
There is no bottle with a very small amount inside.
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fe******20 - 2
03 Nov 2024
The product is good and arrived quickly. Although two pairs of shorts inside were broken, it doesn't matter.
image - 0
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xd****rt - 3
26 Nov 2024
The item, which was supposed to arrive in 27 days, hasn't arrived, and the tracking information isn't available. There has been no communication with the seller.
image - 0
image - 1
image - 2
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Capacidade: 4 onças + 4 onças, 8 onças + 8 onças
Tipo de epóxi: resina epóxi cristal epóxi
Usos: preparação manual DIY
Cor: transparente

Proporção de mistura: A: B = 1: 1Title 1, Cola de resina epóxi 1Title 2, Cola de resina epóxi 1Title 3, Cola de resina epóxi 1Title 4, Cola de resina epóxi 1Title 5, Cola de resina epóxi 1Title 6, Cola de resina epóxi 1Title 7, Cola de resina epóxi 1Title 8, Cola de resina epóxi 1Title 9, Cola de resina epóxi 1Title 10, Cola de resina epóxi 1

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Publicados: 16.11.2024 17:27 Em estoque: 600 49Visualizações

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