4 foto
25 Avaliações
01 Oct 2024
Very well
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ka**********rd - 1
25 Oct 2024
This order was good. However, I previously placed an order, and one fox was missing. The seller assured me they would include the missing fox in this order, which was untrue. The promised fox was not included. I no longer trust this seller. They deceived me – why?
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yk**ng - 2
04 Nov 2024
The pin is very cute and well-made. Delivery was fast, arriving within a month.
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el**********er - 3
30 Nov 2024
The pin is adorable, however, the design isn't contained within the intended boundaries, and I also experienced a long wait of approximately three months for it to be delivered.
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Material do produto:
Material: Liga

Estilo: desenho animado
Estilo: Unissex
Estilo: Animal
Processo de tratamento: Pintura
Material de incrustação: Não incrustação

Informações de tamanho:

Title 1, Broche de raposa vermelha de animal fofo e cria...

Title 2, Broche de raposa vermelha de animal fofo e cria...
Title 3, Broche de raposa vermelha de animal fofo e cria...
Title 4, Broche de raposa vermelha de animal fofo e cria...
Title 5, Broche de raposa vermelha de animal fofo e cria...
Title 6, Broche de raposa vermelha de animal fofo e cria...
Title 7, Broche de raposa vermelha de animal fofo e cria...
Title 8, Broche de raposa vermelha de animal fofo e cria...

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25 reviews 25 verkopen

Broche de raposa vermelha de animal fofo e criativo em liga de esmalte. Um acessório charmoso para expressar seu amor pelos animais.

Entrega editar Brazil

Style : Silver edge

Silver edge
Phnom Penh
Em estoque: 520
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Publicados: 23.11.2024 16:00 Em estoque: 520 67Visualizações

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