Typically, I wear a size 42 or 43. I chose a size 44 for safety, as my previous shoes were size 275. However, these shoes are much too big. I should have ordered a size 43; they would have fit comfortably. Otherwise, the shoes are called "Yummy," smooth, and light.
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20 Oct 2024
This is a great product; I am satisfied with my purchase and will buy it again.
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17 Oct 2024
The super safety shoes are of excellent quality and are also very light. I purchased two pairs and consider it a very good investment. Delivery was perfect, arriving in two weeks. Thank you to the seller!
Estilo superior: corte baixo Faixa de uso: fábricas, canteiros de obras, minas de carvão Tamanho: 36,39,38,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,37,48 Seja antiestático: Não Material Baotou: biqueira de aço Existe um respiradouro: sim
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6 reviews 19 verkopen
Botas de segurança impermeáveis antiderrapantes para trabalho. Mantenha seus pés secos e seguros contra escorregões, ideal para o trabalho.