Informações do produto:
Color: Diamond Black without pockets, Snow White without pockets, gull gray without pockets, peach pink without pockets, olive green without pockets, ice Amber blue without pockets, Diamond Black with pockets, Snow White with pockets, gull gray with pockets, peach pollen with pockets, olive green with pockets, ice Amber blue with pockets
Tamanho: S (85-105) kg, m (105-125) kg, L (125-145) kg, xl (145-160) kg, xxl (160-180) kg, xxxl (180-195) kg, xxxxl (195-230) kg (180-195) kg, xxxxl (195-230) kg (180-195) kg, xxxxl (195-230) kg (180-195) kg, xxxxl (195-230) kg (180-195) kg, xxxxl (195-230) KG
Estilo: Pullover
Nome do tecido: algodão merceizado
Cenários aplicáveis: lazer
Composição principal de tecido: viscose
Estilo: esportes e lazer
Artesanato: Mercerizando