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3 Avaliações
08 Oct 2024
Это просто невероятный рюкзак!!!!!! Он на самом деле даже красивее, чем на фото!!!! Великолепный серый цвет, не холодный, а мягкий. Отличное качество!!!! Прекрасно сшит, ни одной нитки не торчит. Очень много разных отделений, вместительный. Заказ пришёл за 1,5 месяца. Получила от продавца сообщение, что посылка уже в почтовом терминале. Всё просто супер!!!!!! Продавцу огромное спасибо за качественную вещь!
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ku*******ie - 1
25 Oct 2024
This backpack is very nice. It has many pockets and is comfortable to use. The delivery was fast. I also received a small present, which was very kind of the seller. I RECOMMEND THIS SELLER.
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ca************ty - 2
27 Nov 2024
The product is exactly as described, and the quality is excellent, with beautiful craftsmanship. It arrived with a gift keychain, and all the zippers function properly. It has plenty of pockets. I am very happy with this purchase. Delivery was extremely fast, taking less than 30 days. I recommend this seller.
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sh*********th - 3
31 Oct 2024
The item matches the provided description. The sole issue is the odor.
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Nome: mochila estampada
Material: tecido Oxford
Ingredientes: poliéster
Capacidade: você pode colocar revista A4, IPAD, celular, bolsa de cosméticos, carteira, etc.
Especificação: comprimento da base: 27, altura: 31, espessura: 13, portátil: 7/CM

Estrutura: saco de armazenamento *2. Bolsa escura com zíper;
Bolsa sanduíche com zíper; Antes da bolsa; Bolsos laterais
USOS: compras, trabalho, namoro, etc.
Cor: borboleta de dinossauro de penas vermelhas com penas laranja
Funções: um ombro, dois ombros, portátil

Title 1, Mochila feminina Oxford de alta capacidade Perf...Title 2, Mochila feminina Oxford de alta capacidade Perf...Title 3, Mochila feminina Oxford de alta capacidade Perf...Title 4, Mochila feminina Oxford de alta capacidade Perf...Title 5, Mochila feminina Oxford de alta capacidade Perf...

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3 reviews 32 verkopen

Mochila feminina Oxford de alta capacidade Perfeita para trabalho e viagens À prova d'água com vários compartimentos Confortável e espaçosa para tudo

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Color : Red feather

Red feather
Orange feathers
Em estoque: 587
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Publicados: 25.11.2024 01:01 Em estoque: 587 1.32KVisualizações

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