Detalji o proizvodu:
- Uzorkovanje stanja: maksimalno 30M uzorkovanja stanja
- Maksimalna brzina uzorkovanja: 400MHz
- Može sakupljati i posmatrati digitalni signal unutar 100MHz.
- Zaštita od prenapona, elektrostatička zaštita, dug životni vek
- Podržava dvostruki režim: režim strimovanja, USB prenos u realnom vremenu na računar, ultra velika dubina uzorkovanja; bafer režim, hardversko skladište sa širokim propusnim opsegom, ultra visoka brzina uzorkovanja
- Podesiva vrednost praga: podržava različite napone: 1.2V / 1.8V / 2.5V / 3.3V / 5.0V
- Sve metalne školjke
- Zaštita od buke od 360 stepeni, brzo rasipanje toplote, rad kola je stabilniji.
- USB tIPE-C interfejs
- Maksimalna dubina podrške 16G
- Brzina uzorkovanja od 100M može prikupiti talasni oblik od 160 sekundi
- Brzina uzorkovanja od 20M može prikupiti 13-minutni talasni oblik
- 1M brzina uzorkovanja može prikupiti 4 sata talasnog oblika
- Vindovs sistem (kp/vista/vin7/vin8/vin10)
- Višeslojni protokol, datum je intuitivniji
- Podrška za pokretanje sadržaja protokola
DSLogic se razlikuje od karakteristika logičkog analizatora na drugim početnim nivoima uglavnom u sledećim aspektima:
- 256Mbit onboard memory to ensure that real-time sampling data up to 1.6Gbps storage. Entry-level logic analyzer Metropolitan bandwidth or memory depth indicators compromise, while greatly reducing the usefulness of such a logic analyzer. For example, real-time transmission through saleae USB memory to store data utilizing the host computer, a good solution to the problem of memory depth, but because of USB bandwidth is limited, can only reach 200-300Mbps sampling bandwidth; Open Workbench Logic Sniffer is used the internal FPGA BRAM as storage space, also has a sampling 1.6Gbps bandwidth, but the memory depth is only 216Kbit.
- 16 Stage Combined advanced triggering functions, easy to set complex trigger conditions. As a logic analyzer trigger the most important characteristics of a direct impact on the accuracy of the sampling location. Most entry-level logic analyzers do not have the advanced triggering functions, allowing users to find and locate the problem in a lot of useless information, wasting valuable time.
- Continuously adjustable threshold level. Based on the level of high-speed comparator sampling circuit, not only can adjust the level of the threshold level to accommodate different signal standards (1.2V / 1.5V / 1.8V / 3.3V / 5.0V),and can determine the level of accuracy to the level of less than 100mV for maximum noise margin, greatly reduces the possibility of false positives and sampling burrs. Most entry-level logic analyzer using a standard interface chip fixed voltage level judgment, can not guarantee the accuracy of the sampling results.
Sadržaj paketa:
- 1 k DSLogic glavna jedinica
- 1 k USB Tipe-c
- 5 k pomeranje namotaja (žica posrebrena teflonom)
- 16 k signalnih klipova (nasumična boja)