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21 Komentara
29 Nov 2024
Recenzije više

Opseg efekta:

1, ova mašina će imati odličan efekat na 100 ~ 150 kvadratnih metara u prostoriji.

2, ova mašina može da lustrira kućnog miša, crnu bubu, komarce, buvu, muvu, cvrčka, mrava, drvenog mrava itd. Tako da to možemo nazvati elektronskom mašinom za lustriranje miša, elektronskom mašinom za helminte itd.

3, the ultrasonic that sent out from this machine is far away from hearing range of human being. They will not do harm to human being and pets. Also will not have affect on house machine.

4, this machine is safety and environment protected. Smell-less and flavorless. Teeny used energy. (Total power<5W) and with advance photoelectron technology.

Kako koristiti:

After plugging the power on the wall, you can see the blue indicator light and the machine begin to work. Also you can hear electronic scanning sound from high frequency to low frequency. The frequency selected power is on the left side. When you turn it to “H”, it can lustrate mosquito, black beetle etc small vermin. When you turn to “L”, it can lustrate mouse. Please select it as products’ actually function, you will find its effect in several days. The mouse decreases a lot. Maybe you will fine the hexapod increase a little at the beginning use period. Because the ultrasonic evict them from the hiding place. And they will disappear in short time. In 3-6 weeks, you are no need to worry about mouse and vermin. Good situation will keep if you let the machine work all the time. But it just costs you a little for one year. You are no need to buy dangerous chemical medicine and clean the mouse cage.

Glavni oprez:

1, ovu mašinu treba instalirati na 80-100 centimetara od poda. I treba da bude vertikalno u odnosu na pod i utikač u utičnicu

2, mesto postavljanja treba izbegavati od tepiha, zavesa itd. koji pričvršćuju zvučni materijal. U suprotnom, smanjenje zvučnog pritiska će štetiti efektu helminta.

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21 recenzije 1 prodato

Pest Reject – Efikasna zaštita od štetočina. Odbija insekte i glodare ultrazvukom i elektromagnetizmom. Sigurno i pouzdano rešenje za dom.

Dostava uredi Brazil

Color : White


Model : EU

Na lageru: 581
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Objavljeno: 25.11.2024 15:24 Na lageru: 581

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