Informacije o proizvodu:
Model:USB kabl za napajanje
Opis proizvoda:
Efikasnost Šumanovog talasnog generatora
Schumann wave electromagnetic wave is extremely low frequency, which can penetrate any substance and belongs to non ionizing radiation. Everyone has a weak potential network, which will generate frequency resonance when excited by Schumann wave. The intensity of the resonance is related to the internal structure of the electrical network (human body). Some human electrical networks have a good structure and can easily receive Schumann waves; Some people can only receive weak Schumann waves, which is similar to the frequency tuning of a radio. Schumann wave is a natural energy source, which is inexhaustible. Anyone who easily resonates with Schumann wave is always charging, and is naturally energetic and healthy. The received Schumann wave electromagnetic field resonates with the cell frequency of the human body to maintain the overall balance of the human meridians, thereby reducing the damage to the human body caused by EMF free radiation.
Kada se prirodno regenerisano geomagnetno polje simulira elektronskom metodom, kao što je veštačka frekvencija Šumanovog talasa od 7,83 Hz koju generiše generator pravougaonog talasa, koristi se za zamenu prirodnog Šumanovog talasa. Može da izazove ljudsku frekvencijsku rezonancu, dopuni prirodno geomagnetno polje i veštački oslabi interferenciju EMF elektromagnetnog polja i zadrži potencijal ćelijske membrane uravnoteženim i zdravim.
1, koristeći napajanje Mini USB porta, tipično +5V@0.1A. USB kabl za napajanje
2, uvezena ultra-niska statička potrošnja energije master IC, stabilniji talasni oblik
3, izlazni 7.83HZ impulsni kvadratni talas radnog ciklusa 50%. Frekvencija može biti fino podešena korekcija
Lista pakovanja:
1*USB kabl