7 foto
2 Komentara
br*********dt - 0
19 Oct 2024
Nice quality but it came without the keychain
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es*****38 - 1
12 Oct 2024
I loved it. I was impressed by the quality, it is of great material and the inner case is very thick and tough, it definitely looks like it is more expensive. I liked that the pen can stand still, and that there is a section for the charger adapter, which is quite appreciated because I do use it a lot. In conclusion, buy this case, they won't regret it. Especially if they have iPad pro of 2016, it's a great choice, as it's very difficult to get cases with such original and creative designs for this model. Please keep making cases for this iPad, I will always buy them <3
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Napomena: proizvodi koji nisu brendirani Apple, kompatibilni sa iPhone modelima

Proizvodi koji nisu brendirani Apple, kompatibilni sa iPhone modelima

Materijal: pliš
Stil: crtani
Primenljivi brendovi: Apple/ Apple
Primenljiv model: IPad

tea_SouthSlavicA_en2bebsbghrsrsluk_2021q3.mdTitle 1, Kompatibilan sa, kompatibilan sa plišanim IPada...Title 2, Kompatibilan sa, kompatibilan sa plišanim IPada...Title 3, Kompatibilan sa, kompatibilan sa plišanim IPada...Title 4, Kompatibilan sa, kompatibilan sa plišanim IPada...Title 5, Kompatibilan sa, kompatibilan sa plišanim IPada...Title 6, Kompatibilan sa, kompatibilan sa plišanim IPada...Title 7, Kompatibilan sa, kompatibilan sa plišanim IPada...

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2 recenzije 2 prodato

Kompatibilan sa, kompatibilan sa plišanim IPadair4 zaštitnim poklopcem 10.9 Bear Nova 10.2 inča 9.7 ravna školjka Mini5 4 Orname

Dostava uredi Brazil

Color : Rabbit


Size : Mini4 7.9 inches

2017 18 9.7inches
2018 11inches
2019 10.2inches
2020 10.2inches
2020 11inches
2020 12.9inches
Air2 9.7inches
IPad Air1 9.7inches
IPad Air3 10.5inches
Mini123 7.9inches
Mini4 7.9 inches
Mini5 7.9 inches
Pro 10.5 inches
Pro 9.7 inches
Na lageru: 688
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Objavljeno: 24.11.2024 15:38 Na lageru: 688 4Pogledi

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