1 Video
14 foto
14 Komentara
30 Oct 2024
Recenzije više

Napomena: proizvodi koji nisu brendirani Apple, kompatibilni sa iPhone modelima


If you are still holding a mobile phone and taking a selfie at a 45° angle when you go out to play, it will be OUT! Shisuo Shisuo Bluetooth selfie stick, it is not an exaggeration to call it the ultra-high energy selfie stick in history. It not only solves the problem of short selfie sticks in terms of length, but also a Bluetooth remote control with a remote control range of up to 10 meters, equipped with a tripod, to shoot in minutes. It's not like a good picture in a selfie. Xiao Shi said, "First find the shooting background, then set the selfie stick and tripod, open the camera viewfinder on the phone, choose a pose or look you like, and press the remote control to get a full-length photo, which is better than holding a selfie stick. It feels more natural.” What’s more powerful is that “there is also an exclusive photo app, download a fist and you can click to take a photo”, whether it’s close-up, long-distance, front mirror, rear mirror, or adjust the volume of the song, No need to touch the phone, just press the remote control to get it done. "Since I have a selfie stick, I don't have to worry about no one to take pictures when I go out to play."

Materijal: nerđajući čelik

Boja: S03 horizontalno i vertikalno 68cm

Bluetooth: Bluetooth daljinski upravljač
Ogledalo: sa ogledalom
Oprema za podršku: Odvojivi pan/tilt, podržava SLR, GOPRO i druge kamere

Radni pritisak: 3v
Maksimalna širina stezanja mobilnog telefona: 9 cm
Baterija: CR1632
Maksimalna dužina: 68 cm
Maksimalna visina otvora trougla: 64 cm
Veličina: 48k32k185mm
Boja: crna

Sadržaj paketa:

Držač za mobilni telefon k1

Title 1, Bluetooth selfi štap sa daljinskim upravljačem ...Title 2, Bluetooth selfi štap sa daljinskim upravljačem ...Title 3, Bluetooth selfi štap sa daljinskim upravljačem ...Title 4, Bluetooth selfi štap sa daljinskim upravljačem ...Title 5, Bluetooth selfi štap sa daljinskim upravljačem ...Title 6, Bluetooth selfi štap sa daljinskim upravljačem ...

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14 recenzije 1 prodato

Bluetooth selfi štap sa daljinskim upravljačem i tronošcem za Apple. Lako snimajte fotografije i video zapise, kompatibilan.

Dostava uredi Brazil

Color : Black

Black 2PC
Black 3PC

Model : S03

S03S with fill light
Na lageru: 646
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Objavljeno: 24.11.2024 14:23 Na lageru: 646

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