6 foto
13 Komentara
20 Oct 2024
The sound of the voice is of good quality.
image - 0
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26 Nov 2024
The product functions flawlessly on a personal computer, however, when used with a video game console, specifically a PlayStation 5 in my experience, it produces static noise, which limits the usable volume to about 60% at most.
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ku***********do - 2
31 Oct 2024
The product arrived earlier than expected. However, the color in the picture is much more red than the actual product, which only has a red stripe. Furthermore, it doesn't seem very durable. Despite these issues, it's satisfactory based on your statements.
image - 0
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ki*****ay - 3
31 Oct 2024
The microphone functions excellently, delivering superb audio quality; it successfully captures sound without issue from a distance of one meter.
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Recenzije više
Metal, Plastic

Informacije o proizvodu

Pikap: elektronska kondenzatorska kapsula od 6 mm
Osetljivost: -58±3dB
Odnos signal/šum: ≤50dB
Frekvencijski odziv: 100-10000Hz
Impedansa: 2.2KK
Dužina kabla: 2,5 metara
Materijal cevi: metalna opružna cev
Prekidač mikrofona: pritisni tip
Tip interfejsa: 3,5 mm/USB

Title 1, Žičani kompjuterski mikrofon za kuću i igre. Kr...Title 2, Žičani kompjuterski mikrofon za kuću i igre. Kr...Title 3, Žičani kompjuterski mikrofon za kuću i igre. Kr...Title 4, Žičani kompjuterski mikrofon za kuću i igre. Kr...Title 5, Žičani kompjuterski mikrofon za kuću i igre. Kr...Title 6, Žičani kompjuterski mikrofon za kuću i igre. Kr...Title 7, Žičani kompjuterski mikrofon za kuću i igre. Kr...Title 8, Žičani kompjuterski mikrofon za kuću i igre. Kr...Title 9, Žičani kompjuterski mikrofon za kuću i igre. Kr...

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13 recenzije 12 prodato

Žičani kompjuterski mikrofon za kuću i igre. Kristalno jasan zvuk i precizna komunikacija za savršeno gejming i online razgovore.

Dostava uredi Brazil

Color : 3.5 black

3.5 black
3.5 White
USB version

Style : Standard

Na lageru: 605
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Objavljeno: 24.11.2024 13:40 Na lageru: 605 42Pogledi

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