Mogućnost snažnog i trajnog opterećenja
Za razliku od drugih ugaonih rešenja koja rade sa šipkama, sistemima za preklapanje ili lepljenje, Press-Shelf se sastoji od univerzalne ručke. Svojim jedinstvenim prianjanjem, ova polica ostaje na mestu čak i u vlažnim sredinama.
An unused corner? Perfect for Press Shelf! On the wall in the bathroom but also in the kitchen, in the bedroom or basement. Press-Shelf can be fixed in every corner of your home. Glass, marble, wood, this shelf can be attached to almost any surface to give you additional storage space.
Napravljen od izdržljive ABS plastike.
It utilizes Press-Tek technology with polymer pads so it has a tight grip and can easily accommodate up to 10 lbs of weight! Put it in the bathroom for your shampoo, shower gels, shaving cream, razor, and washcloth. How about another one in the laundry room for your detergent, fabric softener, spray bottles, and hangers? It's also the perfect tray for your makeup essentials!
Detalji o proizvodu
[Veličina kutije u boji]: 26 * 26 * 6 cm
[materijal proizvoda]: aps
[boja proizvoda]: bela