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ll*ng - 0
08 Oct 2024
Recenzije više
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Vaša četkica za zube je dom za više od 100 miliona bakterija.

The average American brushes their teeth twice a day. But did you know that there are more than 100 million bacteria on your toothbrush? And that's not only the good kind - it includes  ē ˈkōlī and staphylococci (Staph) bacteria, just to name a few. And keep in mind we are talking about something you put into your mouth twice a day!

Ovaj super-portabilni dezinfekciono sredstvo za četkicu za zube će poboljšati vašu oralnu higijenu!

Title 1, LED Travel Portable UV UV četkica kutija za zub...

 By using this simple device you will not only clean your toothbrush after each and every use but also keep it safe from germs coming from the outside. Toothbrushes sitting outside a bathroom can be speckled with fecal matter. In fact, toothbrushes right out of the box can harbor bacteria because they aren't sold in sterile packaging! Now do you really want to put that in your mouth again?

Naš proizvod će održavati vaše uređaje za čišćenje čistim kako bi trebalo da budu i dezinfikovaće ih nakon svake upotrebe.

Title 2, LED Travel Portable UV UV četkica kutija za zub...

Kako to radi

We use an ultraviolet LED sterilization technology which gets rid of about 99% of bacteria. Our device is even energy efficient: simply close the lid and wait for the cleaning process to be over. Afterwards the product will turn itself off automatically. Different lights indicate the current status:

Ljubičasto svetlo: normalno radno stanje

Crveno svetlo: poklopac nije zatvoren ili je baterija prazna

Unutrašnjost je napravljena od netoksičnog silikona, a obloga se može ukloniti radi lakšeg čišćenja.

Title 3, LED Travel Portable UV UV četkica kutija za zub...

Idealan zdravstveni uređaj za putovanja, porodicu ili svakodnevni život!

  • Držite podalje bakterije i klice
  • Lako se čisti
  • Mali i prenosivi
  • Dve dostupne boje
  • Odgovara bilo kojoj četkici za zube (čak i elektronskoj)

Potrebne su dve AAA baterije (nisu uključene).

Pojačajte svoju igru oralne higijene ODMAH!

Title 4, LED Travel Portable UV UV četkica kutija za zub...

Pogledajte više
11 recenzije 1 prodato

LED Travel Portable UV UV četkica kutija za zube držač

Dostava uredi Brazil

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Objavljeno: 19.11.2024 17:54 Na lageru: 560

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