Informacije o proizvodu:
Proces štampanja i bojenja: reaktivno štampanje i bojenje
Proces tkanja: štampanje
Uzorak: običan
Primenljiva veličina kreveta: krevet od 1,5 m (5 stopa).
Flower type: Fruit green + khaki-no color fading without the ball-D49, apricot + khaki-no color fading without the ball-J12, gentleman low-key gray-no ball and no color fading-E78, dark gray + light gray-no Ball no fading Fading—M35, Bean Paste Powder + Dark Gray—No Balls, No Fading—J82, Denim Blue+Dark Gray—No Balls, No Fading—A14, Pink + Matcha Green—No Balls, No Fading—T87, Pink—Nothing The ball does not fade—P15, pink + khaki—no ball does not fade—M17, matcha green + khaki—no ball does not fade—M18, matcha green + apricot yellow—no ball does not fade—K71, gray—no ball No Fading—T34, rose red + light gray—no color fading without the ball—H28, dark green + dark gray—no color fading without the ball—N51, light blue + light gray—no color fading without the ball—V56, Apricot yellow + denim blue —U80, white + dark green — no color fading — O29, small black grid — no color fading without the ball — R16, light blue — color fading without the ball — Q60, red stripe — No color The ball does not fade—R58, pink stripes—no ball does not fade—N56, small white grid—no ball does not fade—R45, small pink grid—no ball does not fade—C71
Specifikacija veličine: 1,2 m (4 stope) trodelni set, 1,5 m (5 stopa) set od četiri dela, 1,8 m (6 stopa) set od četiri dela, 2,0 m (6,6 stopa) set od četiri dela (cm)
Materijal: pamuk sa dugim spajalicama
Lista pakovanja:
Pamučno tkano četvorodelno odelo za krevet Ks1