Todo bien y correcto, rapido para llegar, un 8, muy buen articulo y precio, todo bien envuelto y muy bien, probandolo aún. Todo correcto y perfecto, aún probándolo, recomiendo vendedor y precio y calidad
Prikaži prevod
13 Nov 2024
The pillowcase looks really nice, just like in the picture. I'm also satisfied with the fast delivery. The fabric seems pretty durable but it is a bit rough. Pretty to look at, but not that comfy.
Prikaži prevod
15 Oct 2024
Thank for my order. The pillowcase is red, not burgundy like in the picture...a slight difference in shade. It has no defects.It's perfect. Shipping well protected in transparent bubble plastic, in and box. Fast delivery to Romania –Bucharest . Congratulations to the whole team for punctuality, promptitude, professionalism and excellent communication!!! Maximum seriosity !!! I'm glad I chose you !!! Awesome seller !!! I recommend it !!! Thank you !!!
Prikaži prevod
Recenzije više
Informacije o proizvodu: Boja: stil 1, stil 2, stil 3, stil 4 Proces tkanja: 2262196521 Veličina: 30 * 50 cm Punilo: pp pamuk Stil: nordijski Kategorija: jastuk/jastuk
Lista pakovanja: Jastučnica *1 (bez jezgra jastuka) Slika proizvoda:
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44 recenzije 37 prodato
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