Made of 100% PVC material, it is one of the safest materials in contact with tableware and glassware; they are safe, tasteless and tasteless; environmentally friendly!
Ovaj jastučić pruža optimalnu drenažu i trenje. Da li želite da sipate martini čašu iz mašine za pranje sudova na prostirku i osušite vazduh ili postavite mešovito piće na nju da biste prenijeli tablicu konobarice, ovaj prostirke čini službu za piće zgodniji i čistiji.
Very easy to clean, just place the mat above the sink and let the liquid drain away. Rinse with warm water. It is recommended to wash by hand to keep the pad in the desired shape and condition.
Čvrsta površina omogućava protok vazduha pod vlažnom staklom da brzo i efikasno osuši vazduh i pruža površinu neklizavanja. Mat takođe pomaže u apsorpciji nasumičnih propuštanja ili prskanja;
Dirty and unfortunate accidents occur every day. Please purchase a high-quality bar mat to prevent dust from entering. Our anti-skid pads are very practical and are also a drainage system to prevent possible contamination. Black will be the perfect addition to the bar or any surface in the bar.