Damask čelik, staro poznati kao Uzi čelik, je superiorni čelik za izradu mačeva. Ovaj čelik ima poseban uzorak na površini prilikom bacanja u mač - Muhammad (jedinstveni talasni uzorak na svakoj površini noža),tako da je čelični uzorak u obliku uzorenog pribora koji se razlikuje od čelika zavarenog uzorka, jer obrazac može da napravi sečivo mikroskopski oblik zuba "koji se ne može razlikovati golim okom, čineći oštricu.
Modern Damascus steel is made from a forging process and is usually forged with complementary steel. Such a combination of soft and hard materials forged steel has both toughness and extremely high hardness. The singularity of the general steel will result in a situation in which both toughness and hardness cannot be considered at the same time. And Damascus steel is made of multi-layer forging, its density is larger than that of ordinary steel, and the forged tool is very weighty. Damascus steel forged tools are more resistant to rust.
[Ime]: 7-inčni damask čelična kuhar / poklon kutija
[Blade]: VG10 Čelični jezgro Damask 67 Čelični / povoljni oblaci
[HUREND]: Crna boja drvena drška dvostruka čelična glava
[HRC]: 60-62
[Features]: sharp and durable; healthy and environmentally friendly; light and labor-saving, the chef is best used!
[Sharposs Nivo]: 5.4-6.0N SILE SILE (POSEBNI NIVO)