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19 Oct 2024
Recenzije više

2kom / pakovanje, šaljemo 10pak.
This product has been widely used in snoring appliances, snore prevention master accessories, and the first and fifth generation (infrared) as well as snoring killer in the market! For a variety of infrared smart Snore Stopper Electronic Wrist Snore Stopper And Hooks. Taiwan snore brand, Hong Kong brand Snore Stopper.
Patches are easy to use. Before use, make sure your skin is clean and sweat is wiped out. Only in contact with good skin, not for injuries, swelling, inflammation of the damaged skin, blistering skin, allergies should be stopped. After use, it should be affixed with the protective film in time, not dirty, avoid direct sunlight and humid place to save, can prevent aging and extend the service life. Do not stick, put the patch in the refrigerator for 60 minutes, it can improve the viscosity
Ne, može se čuvati 3 godine. Može se čuvati 1 mesec nakon otvaranja!

Title 1, 10 pakovanja univerzalnih gel flastera elektrod...Title 2, 10 pakovanja univerzalnih gel flastera elektrod...Title 3, 10 pakovanja univerzalnih gel flastera elektrod...Title 4, 10 pakovanja univerzalnih gel flastera elektrod...Title 5, 10 pakovanja univerzalnih gel flastera elektrod...

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9 recenzije 1 prodato

10 pakovanja univerzalnih gel flastera elektroda protiv hrkanja, efikasno smanjuju hrkanje i poboljšavaju kvalitet sna, za mirne i tihe noći.

Dostava uredi Brazil

Quantity : Q10packs

Na lageru: 600
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Objavljeno: 16.11.2024 23:26 Na lageru: 600

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