Specijalno dizajniran za mušku kosu. Ova posebno moćna krema za uklanjanje dlaka je specijalno formulisana za muškarce sa gustom kosom i može biti efikasna za samo 5 minuta.
Easy to rinse. This depilatory cream is a good choice for shaving because it can avoid scratches or cuts from the razor. It is very suitable for use on larger parts of the body such as the chest, back, arms and legs, and it is easy to rinse off in the shower.
Infused with natural ingredients. Based on rare natural plant extracts, mild and non-irritating. Quick and effective hair removal in 5 minutes. This cream can remove hair from arms, legs, underarms and bikini lines. Make your skin soft, smooth and delicate.
Vlaženje kože. Kada se oslobodite dlačica, ona takođe može da vlaži i hidrira vašu kožu, čineći da vaša koža izgleda bolje i da se osećate bolje!
kako koristiti:
Apply a large amount of cream to the area to be treated. Use your hands to apply the smooth cream to the hair so that the hair is completely covered with a thick and even layer. Don't rub.
Leave the cream on the area to be treated for at least 4 minutes. Use a soft cloth or tissue paper to test hair removal in a small area. If the hair does not fall off easily, leave the cream for a few minutes and not more than 10 minutes.
Obrišite kremu i kosu papirnim ubrusom. Isperite tretirano područje vodom i osušite.