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26 Feb 2025
26 Feb 2025
zi***********ia - 2
26 Feb 2025
ga*****59 - 3
26 Feb 2025


There are many changes in the design of the bracelet. From the calculation point of view, the zircon bracelet presents a wide range of requirements. Because the bracelet itself is of better quality, many people like zircon bracelets very much. In terms of quality, zircon bracelets replicate the success of bracelet design. Mature bracelet development models are also trying to avoid the phenomenon of insufficient use of bracelets.

First, quality is the main reason that affects the purchase of bracelets. Many of the zircon bracelets are affected by their quality. It can be seen from this that if the bracelet can be developed and designed at a high speed, it can avoid obvious frustration. According to the analysis of the requirements for buying bracelets, most buyers decide whether they want to buy bracelets based on quality.

Second, zircon bracelets meet the current purchase requirements for high-quality bracelets. Zircon bracelets, high-quality bracelets have a large number of purchasers, a large part of the reason is because the bracelets are in line with the quality of the port. Zircon, as a kind of ore, conforms to the biological quality of the human body, and can also be regarded as one of the clear and direct means of buying bracelets. I believe that under this technology, zircon bracelets will promote life and health better and better.

Third, the choice of zircon bracelets is divided into three or six grades according to the material. According to the materials, zircon bracelets of grade 3, 6 and 9 are in line with the current direct practice of buying bracelets. Some people who know bracelets for the first time will refer to the price of bracelets excessively, thinking that low-priced bracelets are not worth buying; high-priced ones Bracelets are too extravagant and fall into a dilemma. This is also a very big drawback of choosing bracelets now. Is the zircon bracelet's impact on life obvious? Look at the market more, don't close your eyes and just look at your own opinions, the main thing is to sort out the development characteristics of the market.


Stil: Evropski i američki

Materijal: legura

Proces lečenja: elektroplatiranje

Tip: narukvica

Stil: uniseks

Modeliranje: geometrijski

Zdravstvena funkcija: Zaslepljivanje

Primenljivi prilika davanja poklona: Kravariranje putovanja, sajmovi, reklamne promocije, naknade za zaposlene, godišnjice proslave, poslovni pokloni, ceremonija otvaranja

Logotip za štampanje: ne

Prilagođena obrada: Da

Inlai materijal: legure umetne veštačke dragulje / polu-drago kamenje

Boja: Jedan red srebrnih narukvice, jedan red zlatnih narukvice, dva reda srebrnih narukvice, dva reda zlatnih narukvice, tri reda srebrnih narukvice

Sadržaj paketa:

1 * Diamond narukvica

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