This is a unique and absolutely handmade cuff bracelet made from leather, It is quite simple, yet very understandable, almost classical. Closing on the backside is pretty elegant for a leather cuff. Cuff is wide enough and I think the bracelet can be equally used by men and women. Bracelet cuff looks rustic thus it will better fit into heavy style clothing, punk style, rock type personalities.
Stil: egzotika
Materijal: koža
Stil: uniseks
Oblik: okruglo
Funkcija zdravstvene zaštite: Anti-umorni
Boja: drevna srebrna smeđa koža, drevna crvena bakrena smeđa koža, drevna bronzana smeđa koža
Sadržaj paketa
1 * kožna narukvica