The meaning of the bracelet: In a relationship, the distance is just the space between the two. Therefore, we created a “distance bracelet” to make people who are separated from each other feel connected. The distance and time with someone can be difficult, but they are always with them wherever they are, no matter where they are. You will receive two bracelets. One bracelet is all white with a black bead and the other bracelet is all black with a single white bead. Each of you will wear one together and always be with each other.
Dajte mu ili joj smisleni poklon i recite im da uvek želite da budete s vama.
[Veličina] Ukupna dužina 16cm + 5cm
[Materijal]: Opšte
[Poklon prigoda]: Dan zaljubljenih Dana rođendana Kompanije kompanije
Napomena: Veličina proizvoda se ručno meri. Ako postoji mala greška, to je normalno!