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ga******32 - 0
01 Mar 2025

Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicine that goes back more than 3,500 years. It is considered an alternative therapy and involves the application of light pressure to specific points on the body, based on the fact that these points are related to other energy and impact lines, related parts of your body. body. This anti-snoring ring adopts magnetic and acupressure therapy to help you solve the problem of snoring sleep.

Ime: prestanite da hrkanje prstena
Srebrna boja
Veličina: mala: 4.3-5.0 cm Prosek: 5,1-5,9 cm Veliki: 6,0-6,6 cm Ogroman: 6,7-7,5 cm
Koristi se za: ljudi koji imaju problem s hrkanjem sna, molimo vas da merite pre naručivanja

Kako se koristi:
Postavite prsten za hrkanje u samom bazu svog malog prsta, iscijedite i oslobađajte strane nježno, ali čvrsto
Udobno prikladno. Magnetna strana treba da se nalazi levo od malog bazanog prsta na oko 45 stepeni.

Paket uključuje:
1 * Anti-hrkanje prstena

Poštovani kupci:

Please be patient, you should wear it on your left hand, and continue to wear it all day. Usually, some people need 7 to 30 days to have an effect. And some people could have effect in 3 days. I hope this product could help you all quickly. Thank you.Title 1, Zaustavite artefakt čarobnog prstena. Zaštitite...Title 2, Zaustavite artefakt čarobnog prstena. Zaštitite...

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1 recenzije 37 prodato

Zaustavite artefakt čarobnog prstena. Zaštitite svoje dragocenosti od gubitka i krađe. Obezbedite svoje stvari lako.

Dostava uredi Brazil

shape : S 4.5 5.1cm

S 4.5 5.1cm
H 6.8 8.3cm
L 5.9 6.7cm
M 5.2 5.8 cm
Na lageru: 601
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Objavljeno: 01.03.2025 00:16 Na lageru: 601 71Pogledi

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