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01 Mar 2025
Recenzije više

【Materijal: legura
[size] 5-14
[Pakovanje] APP-a
Specifično održavanje nakita je sledeće:
1. Nakit se često zamenjuje, isti komad nakita treba dugo da se izbegne, posebno u vrućem letu, nakit je izložen znoji duže vreme, jednostavan za erode, tako da je najbolje pripremiti više komada nakita za čestu zamenu.
2. Jewelry is the most vulnerable to contact with chemicals. Avoid jewelry directly in contact with water, perfume, soap, hair spray, mothballs, detergents and other chemical substances on the jewelry erosion. Do not wear jewelry while sleeping, bathing, swimming, or strenuous exercise. The aroma of bathing, the chlorine in swimming, and the salt in the sea will cause some corrosion to the jewelry, so all the accessories should be removed before bathing or swimming.
3. Collision and easy to wipe, store carefully. Do not overlap the jewelry or mix it with naked leaks. Each piece of jewelry should be stored separately, avoid mixing with other jewelry or hard objects, so as not to rub and damage each other. Flower surface. After wearing, wipe the used accessories with a clean, soft dry cloth to maintain the luster and durability of the jewelry.
4. Potrebno je da povremeno očistite nakit, ne koristite čistu vodu, ultrazvučni čistij (ili uređaj) ili alkohol ili bilo koji komercijalno čišćenje nakita za čišćenje, samo koristite suvu krpu (fine flanel) za čišćenje ili koristite meku četkicu, tako da nakit može da ukloni površinskim mrljama da bi nakit mogao da ukloni površinske mrlje.
5. When you buy beautiful jewelry, you can evenly apply colorless nail polish on the surface of the jewelry. The principle is like applying waterproof coating to the object, especially the jewelry buckle is easy to be worn, but more Apply a few layers of enhanced protection, that is, you can preserve color, and you can prevent allergies. Those who are allergic to the alloy can test it. After the nail polish is applied, it should be placed for 1-2 days and then worn. The effect is better. Of course, this preservation is time-limited. Once the nail polish falls off, it is necessary to apply a layer quickly and not give it a chance to re-touch the air.Title 1, Ženski modni prsten od nerđajućeg čelika. Elega...

Title 2, Ženski modni prsten od nerđajućeg čelika. Elega...

Title 3, Ženski modni prsten od nerđajućeg čelika. Elega...

Title 4, Ženski modni prsten od nerđajućeg čelika. Elega...

Title 5, Ženski modni prsten od nerđajućeg čelika. Elega...

Title 6, Ženski modni prsten od nerđajućeg čelika. Elega...

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34 recenzije 36 prodato

Ženski modni prsten od nerđajućeg čelika. Elegantan i izdržljiv prsten za svaku priliku. Dodajte notu stila svom izgledu.

Dostava uredi Brazil

Color : silvery


Size : Number 11

Number 10
Number 11
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Number 14
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Number 6
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Number 9
Na lageru: 481
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Objavljeno: 01.03.2025 00:39 Na lageru: 481 104Pogledi

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