Informacije o proizvodu:
Posebne funkcije: dekoracija, svetleći, kalendar
Tip prikaza: pokazivač
Stil: sportski
Vodootporan: Da
Vodootporne performanse: 50m
Tip pokreta: kvarc
Debljina: 10 mm
Prečnik brojčanika: 42 mm
Tip krune: spiralna kruna
Materijal ogledala: ogledalo od safirnog kristala
Stil kopče: skrivena kopča za pojas
Materijal kopče: nerđajući čelik
Materijal kaiša: prava koža
Oblik brojčanika: okrugli
Materijal kućišta: legura
Color: 816 belt with rose gold and black surface (three-needle calendar),816 belt with black shell and black surface (three-needle calendar),816 belt with silver shell and black surface (three-needle calendar),816 belt with silver shell and blue surface (three-needle) Calendar models),816 steel belt with rose gold black face (three-needle calendar models),816 steel belt with black shell black face (three-needle calendar models),816 steel belt silver shell black face (three-needle calendar models),816 steel belt silver Shell blue surface (three-needle calendar)
Lista pakovanja:
Muški kvarcni sat*1