18 foto
15 Komentara
ke****55 - 0
03 Oct 2024
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Informacije o proizvodu:

Stil noktiju sa tankim trakama: Ležeran
Oblik: okrugli
Tip pokreta: mehaničko kretanje
Materijal trake: nerđajući čelik
Debljina brojčanika: 12 mm
Color classification: Between gold and black surface, rose gold, blue surface, natural color, blue surface, black leather, natural color, blue surface, brown leather, gold shell, white surface, black shell, blue surface, rose gold, black surface, gold, white surface, brown leather, natural color, white surface, brown leather, rose gold, white surface, black leather, black Shell blue surface natural color black surface black leather rose gold shell blue surface black leather rose gold shell black surface natural color white surface between rose gold white surface black leather natural color black surface black leather gold shell white surface (black)
Prečnik brojčanika: kućište 41 mm
Materijal: Nerđajući čelik pričvršćen
Plus funkcija: kompas
Režim prikaza: Tip pokazivača
Tip sata: muški
Tip krune: obična
Tip dna stola: kroz dno
Stil kopče: Dvostruki leptir
Otpornost na vodu: sat od 3ATM

Lista pakovanja:
Mehanički merač k1

Materijal ogledala: sintetički safirni kristalTitle 1, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 2, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 3, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 4, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 5, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 6, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 7, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 8, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 9, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 10, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 11, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 12, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 13, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 14, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 15, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 16, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 17, satovi muški automatski mehanički satoviTitle 18, satovi muški automatski mehanički satovi

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15 recenzije 1 prodato

satovi muški automatski mehanički satovi

Dostava uredi Brazil

Color : Golden White

Golden White
Between gold and black
Between Rose Gold Black
Between Rose Gold Blue
Black blue
Black faced
Black gold white black
Black leather blue
Black rose gold black
Black rose gold blue
Black skin black
Black skin blue face
Brown gold white
Brown rose gold white
Brown skin white
Golden White Noodle
White flour
Na lageru: 623
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Objavljeno: 23.11.2024 21:20 Na lageru: 623

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