1. Funkcija proizvoda
This product is designed to look like an alarm clock. It can be hung on a tree, placed anywhere in the house or in your yard. It can be hung, placed on a table or other places. When the ultrasonic bark suppressor alarm clock detects excessive barking, the microphone will sense the bark and activate the components. At this time, the product will emit a safe high-pitched ultrasonic sound that can be heard by dogs but cannot be heard by dogs. The stimulation of ultrasound sound will stop barking, because ultrasound will make the dog feel uncomfortable, so as to achieve the effect of stopping barking. Excessive barking of dogs will affect you and your neighbors. Outdoor ultrasonic bark suppressors can effectively stop dogs from barking and do not require receiving collars. They are safe and effective, and are suitable for dogs of all breeds and sizes.
2. Karakteristike proizvoda
1. Digitalni displej, punjivi
2. Proizvod ima 4 frekventna opsega za izbor, prema različitim kućnim ljubimcima ili vrstama životinja i veličinama.
3. Tasteri osetljivosti imaju 1-4 nivoa, digitalni displej, 1-4 nivoa povećavaju osetljivost od niskog na gore, a četvrti nivo je najveći i najjači. Digitalna cev će tada prikazati trenutni radni status.
4. Spoljna školjka proizvoda je otporna na UV zračenje, a spoljna školjka nije lako izbledeti.
5. IP4 vodootporni nivo
6. Vek trajanja je ograničen, a garantni rok je godinu dana.
3. Specifikacije proizvoda
Težina jedinice proizvoda 0,2 kg/komplet
Veličina proizvoda: 12,5 cm * 9 cm * 5 cm