Neka vaš ljubimac ima slobodu u vašem dvorištu bez straha da će pobeći
Thousands of dogs are killed on the roads each year because cars simply don't see them. Make sure to keep them safe and confined to your desired range with the Wireless Dog Fence System. Our dogs need to engage in physical activity every day. The problem is that they might tend to wander too far from our yards, especially if we aren't there to monitor them.

Inteligentna elektronika 2-u-l Bežična ograda za pse sa ogrlicom je nevidljivo rešenje you can count on to keep your pets safe and within your yard's boundaries. The system works by delivering mild static correction through two contact points that touch your pet's neck. not only can better protect your pet's safety, but also allow pets to get better training within a limited range.
- Bezbedan način da trenirate svog psa: Static correction of the electric dog fence is mild and completely adjustable. Five progressive levels of correction allow you to administer training quickly but gently. This wireless dog fence will not hurt your pet.
- Sistem ograde za kućne ljubimce sa funkcijom 2 u 1: LED ekran, bežična ograda za kućne ljubimce i trenažer sa zvučnim vibracijama na daljinsko upravljanje
- Obuka van povodca: Train your pet in about 14 days! This electric dog fence works wonders on stubborn or hard-to-train pets while being safe for everyone who enters your yard. The wireless dog fence works by delivering mild static correction through two contact points that touch your pet's neck.
- Pametni sistem obuke: When the dog reaches the signal boundary, the wireless dog fence will vibrate to alert the dog to return to a safe area. If the dog continues to stay away from the transmitter, the collar will release an electric shock. If the dog goes ahead, the vibration and electric shocks will be done again. Your dog will easily learn the appropriate distance it can wander.
- Odgovara većini pasa: The wireless dog fence system works for pets of all sizes and either fenced or unfenced yards. The adjustable collar of electric dog fence allows you to create a perfect fit for your pet. Waterproof, rechargeable, durable receiving collar.
- Isplativo: Don't worry about putting a fence up! The Wireless Pet Fence Training System can teach your pet for a much lower price.
Premium nevidljiva ograda za pse - bežična ograda za pse sa ogrlicom

Kako koristiti?
- Daljinsko upravljanje dreserom pasa može biti do 300 metara.
- Tri psa se mogu kontrolisati u isto vreme. LED digitalni displej "001" označava prvog psa, "002" označava drugog psa, a "003" označava trećeg psa.
- Premium nevidljiva ograda za pse - bežična ograda za pse sa ogrlicom
Paket sadrži :
- 1 k nevidljiva ograda bežična ograda za pse (izaberite neku od opcija ako želite za 1/2/3 pse)
- A weak battery at 3 volts: The LED shows 000 flashes and sounds: drops. . . . drop. . . . The beep sounds
- Crveno svetlo treperi kada se puni, a crveno svetlo dugo nakon potpunog punjenja.
- Dugo pritisnite taster 3 sekunde kodni režim