Informacije o proizvodu:
Broj artikla: 3001
Bilo da je isključivo za spoljnu trgovinu: Ne
Kategorija 3C konfiguracije: igračke starije od 14 godina
Color: Count-Flower Color-Dark Purple with Pink, Count-Flower Color-Black with Red, Count-Flower Color-Light Purple with Pink, Count-Flower Color-Sky Blue with Watermelon Red, Count-Flower Color-Sky Blue, Count-Flower Color-Red with Blue , Count-Flower Color-Red with Yellow, Count-Flower Color-Orange with Yellow, Count-Flower Color-Green with Blue, Count-Flower Color-Rose Red with Pink, Count-NBR-Green with Blue, Count-NBR-Purple with Pink, Count-NBR-Sky Blue with Watermelon Red, Count-NBR-Sky Blue, Count-NBR-Rose Red with Powder, Count-NBR-Orange with Yellow, Count-NBR-Red with Yellow, Count-NBR-Red with Blue, Steel Wire- Color blue, steel wire-green, steel wire-silver, steel wire-red, steel wire-black, fingerprint-color-5 meters collective rope-dark blue with green, fingerprint-color-5 meters collective rope-rose red with pink, fingerprint-color -Dark blue with green, fingerprint-color-dark blue with yellow, fingerprint-color-rose red with pink, fingerprint-NBR-rose red with pink, fingerprint-NBR-dark blue with yellow, fingerprint-NBR-dark blue with green, fingerprint-NBR -Yellow with black, soft-color blue+yellow, soft-pink, soft-sky blue, count-color-red
Primenljiva starost: Mladi (15-35 godina)
Lista pakovanja:
Brojanje konopca za preskakanje*1
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