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24 Komentara
06 Oct 2024
Veio sem custo, opera, porém, é necessário estar perto, a menos de 5 metros.
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ma****60 - 1
25 Nov 2024
Unfortunately, the ultrasonic waves aren't strong enough and have no effect on the neighbor's dog, which barks at everything that moves!
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02 Oct 2024
This product is likely intended for dog owners to control or train their own dogs. However, I purchased it to stop my neighbor's dog (and others nearby) from barking. Here's what I've experienced... When used from a distance greater than 10 meters, it doesn't seem to work at all, even after trying both modes repeatedly. When I get closer than 10 meters, some dogs stop barking and leave, but my primary concern, my neighbor's three small poodles (aged about 1 and 2 years old),show no reaction whatsoever! Initially, they might have been slightly surprised, but now they bark even more after repeated use. Additionally, my two cats, who are the main target of the poodles' barking, are more sensitive to the device, and it scares them even from a distance. This confirms the device might repel cats. Ultimately, I conclude that, in my specific situation, this device is essentially a very good, but quite expensive, flashlight.
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10 Oct 2024
This product is excellent; I tried it out from a distance of 10 meters, and it functions correctly.
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Recenzije više

Informacije o proizvodu:
Režim funkcije: Direktan talas / skok talasa
Jako svetlo: Dugo svetlo/blic
Kontrolna udaljenost: 10 metara
Sigurnosna brava: Podržano
Akustični emiter: tri
Kapacitet baterije: 2000mah
Vreme punjenja: 4 sata
Trajnost: 30 dana

Lista pakovanja:
Repelent za pse +USB kabl za prenos podataka
Slika proizvoda:
Title 1, High Power Dog Drives Artifact – Moćan uređaj z...Title 2, High Power Dog Drives Artifact – Moćan uređaj z...Title 3, High Power Dog Drives Artifact – Moćan uređaj z...Title 4, High Power Dog Drives Artifact – Moćan uređaj z...Title 5, High Power Dog Drives Artifact – Moćan uređaj z...Title 6, High Power Dog Drives Artifact – Moćan uređaj z...Title 7, High Power Dog Drives Artifact – Moćan uređaj z...Title 8, High Power Dog Drives Artifact – Moćan uređaj z...
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24 recenzije 24 prodato

High Power Dog Drives Artifact – Moćan uređaj za pse. Poboljšajte obuku, kontrolu i bezbednost svog ljubimca. Za bolji život.

Dostava uredi Brazil

Color : Ma1 Black

Ma1 Black
XP30 Dog Drives Black
XP30 Dog Drives Black Orange
XP30 Dog Drives Gray
Na lageru: 523
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Objavljeno: 22.11.2024 00:14 Na lageru: 523 63Pogledi

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