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Americans love to wear hats, but unlike British gentlemen, they like to wear more casual hats, such as various baseball caps, tennis caps, or cowboy hats instead of top hats. Although in the past cowboy hats were mostly made of felt, the practical value of sheltering from the wind and rain was the first. Now the cowboy hats in the city are more of a kind of decoration, so the felt ones still exist, but the cowboy hats made of cotton and linen fabrics There are also many, this kind of material is lighter and better with clothing. In terms of price, it ranges from ordinary US$30 to US$50, and there are some classic models that are made by hand, because it is time-consuming to make, and there are hundreds of US dollars. However, American cowboys pay more attention to the practicality and quality of cowboy hats, so they will spend high prices to buy the best quality cowboy hats, and generally choose high-quality products for several hundred dollars.
Informacije o proizvodu:
Kategorija proizvoda: Cilindar
Primenljiv rod: neutralan/muški i ženski
Materijal: vuna/filc
Stil: Evropa i Amerika
Način tkanja: saten
Način obrade: satenska turpija
Popularni elementi: šivanje
Uzorak: lobanja
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