Informacije o proizvodu:
Materijal: veštačka svila
Pogodno godišnje doba: leto, zima, proleće, jesen
Color: Leopard print, white sailing boat, yellow border of oil painting series, gray border of oil painting series, black and white flowers, yellow flowers, khaki flowers, picture pink, picture lake blue, crescent blue, crescent green, crescent pink, holiday series red , Holiday Series Green, Holiday Series Black, Picture Style 1 Orange Pink, Picture Style 1 Blue, Picture Style 1 Green, Picture Style 2 Blue, Picture Style 2 Beige, Picture Style 2 Meter Black, Picture Style 3 Pink
Stil: elegantne dame
Dužina (CM): 90 cm
Širina (CM): 90
Način tkanja: obično tkanje
Funkcija: Dekoracija
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