27 foto
4 Komentara
ve*********in - 0
22 Nov 2024

Informacije o proizvodu:
Uzorak: jednobojna, prugasta/karirana
Naziv tkanine: poliester pamuk
Color: hand and foot/pure black 1, hand and foot/Pure Dark Gray 2, hand and foot/Pure Light Gray 3, hand and foot/gray black strip 4, hands and feet/white and black strip stripes 5, hands and feet/yellow and black strip stripes 6, hands and feet/Rose Red and Black black strip stripes 7, hands and feet/black and red stripes 8, hands and feet/pink stripes 9, hands and feet/green and white stripes 10, hands and feet/red and white-width 11, hands and feet/red and blue-widened 12, hands and feet/sapphire blue stripes 13, hands and feet/red White-thin 14, hands and feet/purple black-wide 15, hands and feet/-pink with black strip stripes 16, hands and feet/green black-thin 17, hands and feet/Purple Black 18 thin, hands and feet/orange and black 19 thin, hands and feet/red and green 20 thin, hands and feet/pure rose red 21, hands and feet/pure purple 22, hands and feet/fluorescent green stripes 23, hands and feet/black and white red 25, hands and feet/Pure Green 26, hands and feet/Rose purple 27, hands and feet/Pure Orange 28, hands and feet/Red Green-width 29, hands and feet/pure sapphire blue 30 #, other color customization
Dužina čarapa: čarape do kolena
Glavni sastav tkanine: poliesterska vlakna (poliester)
Veličina: slobodna veličina
Primenljiv rod: neutralan/i muškarci i žene
Primenljiva starosna grupa: Mladi (18-40 godina)
Funkcija: 19147829257
Pogodno godišnje doba: leto, proleće, jesen
Stil: trendi

Lista pakovanja:
Poliesterske čarape k 1 par poliesterskih rukavica k 1 par
Slika proizvoda:
Title 1, Rukavice Praznična zabava Clover Socks Odelo od...Title 2, Rukavice Praznična zabava Clover Socks Odelo od...Title 3, Rukavice Praznična zabava Clover Socks Odelo od...Title 4, Rukavice Praznična zabava Clover Socks Odelo od...Title 5, Rukavice Praznična zabava Clover Socks Odelo od...Title 6, Rukavice Praznična zabava Clover Socks Odelo od...Title 7, Rukavice Praznična zabava Clover Socks Odelo od...
Pogledajte više
4 recenzije 1 prodato

Rukavice Praznična zabava Clover Socks Odelo od poliestera

Dostava uredi Brazil

Color : Pure Black 1

Pure Black 1
Black And Red Strip 8
Gray Black Strip 4
Green And White Stripes 10
Green Thin 17
Pink Stripe 9
Pink With Black Strip 16
Pure Dark Gray 2
Pure Light Gray 3
Purple Black 18 Fine
Rose Red Black Stripe 7
Sapphire Blue Stripe 13
White And Black Strip 5
Yellow And Black Stripe 6

size : Free Size

Free Size
Na lageru: 688
Naručite odmah
Dodaj u korpu
Objavljeno: 29.11.2024 01:05 Na lageru: 688

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