Informacije o proizvodu:
Materijal; Papirus
Kategorija proizvoda: prazan cilindar
Primenljiv rod: neutralan/muški i ženski
Pogodno godišnje doba: leto, proleće
Primenljiva starost: 4-8 godina, 2-4 godine, preko 8 godina
Način tkanja: obično tkanje
Uzorak: jednobojni
Popularni elementi: šavovi
Stil: all-match
Color: three-dimensional hollow top hat black (for children),three-dimensional hollow top hat beige (children),three-dimensional hollow top hat milk white (children),three-dimensional hollow top hat pink (children),three-dimensional hollow top hat mint green (children),three-dimensional Empty top hat khaki (for children),three-dimensional empty top hat navy blue (for children),adult version of three-dimensional empty top hat black, adult version of three-dimensional empty top hat beige, adult version of three-dimensional empty top hat milk white, adult version of three-dimensional empty top hat Pink, adult version three-dimensional empty top hat mint green, adult version three-dimensional empty top hat khaki, adult version three-dimensional empty top hat navy
Stil oboda šešira: veliki obod
Top stil šešira; bez vrha
Informacije o veličini:
Obim glave šešira je oko 49-54 cm
Lista pakovanja
Peaked cap *1