30 foto
14 Komentara
ab****ws - 0
18 Nov 2024
Recenzije više
Black, Green, White

Informacije o proizvodu:
Uzorak: jednobojna, mašna, životinjski uzorak, podudaranje boja, crtana animacija, pruga/karirana
Color: pure red, green, green stripes, red and white stripes, red and green stripes, red/Christmas tree, pure green/Christmas tree, green and white stripes/Christmas tree, red and white stripes/Christmas tree, red and green stripes/Christmas tree, red/boots, pure green/boots, green and white stripes/boots, red and white stripes/boots, red and green stripes/boots, black/Bell, White/Bell, dark gray/Bell 3, light gray/Bell 4, pure rose red/Bell 5, pure red/Bell, pure green/Bell, red and white stripes/Bell, green and white stripes/Bell, red and green stripes/Bell, Rose Red, all dark gray, all light gray, white, black, pure purple
Dužina čarapa: čarape do kolena
Glavni sastav tkanine: poliesterska vlakna

Informacije o veličini:
Ukupna dužina je oko 61-65cm, dužina čarapa je oko 50cm, a širina je oko 8cm
Dužina đona je oko 17 cm
Leptir mašna širina jelena oko 5,5 cm visina oko 6,5 cm

Lista pakovanja:
Par čarapa

Slika proizvoda:

Title 1, Božićna lutka Čarape preko kolenaTitle 2, Božićna lutka Čarape preko kolenaTitle 3, Božićna lutka Čarape preko kolenaTitle 4, Božićna lutka Čarape preko kolenaTitle 5, Božićna lutka Čarape preko kolena
Pogledajte više
14 recenzije 1 prodato

Božićna lutka Čarape preko kolena

Dostava uredi Brazil

Color : Pure Red

Pure Red
Black Bell
Dark Gray Bell 3
Full Dark Gray
Full Light Gray
Green And White Striped
Green And White Striped Boots
Green And White Stripes Bell
Light Gray Bell 4
Pure Green Bell
Pure Green Boots
Pure Green Christmas Tree
Pure Purple
Pure Red Bell
Pure Rose Red Bell 5
Red And Green Stripes
Red And Green Stripes Bell
Red And Green Stripes Boots
Red And White Striped Boots
Red And White Stripes
Red And White Stripes Bell
Red Boots
Red Christmas Tree
Rose Red
White Bell

size : Average Size

Average Size
Na lageru: 501
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Objavljeno: 29.11.2024 00:13 Na lageru: 501

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