Informacije o proizvodu:
Color: Black spaghetti with bra, dark coffee color spaghetti with bra, Frost Green spaghetti with bra, lichen blue spaghetti with bra, floral white spaghetti with bra, black backless bra, dark coffee color backless bra, frost green backless bra, lichen blue backless bra, floral white backless bra, black I-shaped bra, dark coffee color I-shaped bra, Frost green I-shaped bra, lichen blue I-shaped bra, floral white I-shaped bra
Veličina: S,M,L,KSL
Funkcija: upija vlagu i znojenje
Sastav tkanine: najlon/najlon
Dužina rukava: dugi rukav
Stil odeće: usko