Operite u hladnoj vodi
Doziranje deterdženta
Vazduh je uvučen
Nakon čišćenja platnene torbe, potrebno je okačiti da se osuši. Najbolje je da ga stavite na hladno mesto i provetrite da se suši u hladu kako biste izbegli sunce.Izlaganje visokim temperaturama takođe može prouzrokovati da boja platnenih torbi izbledi, a ako na torbama postoji spojena koža, one će takođe postati tvrde i lomljive kada su izložene suncu, uzrokujući oštećenje torbi.
Bag above general meeting has metal ring, metal zipper to wait, some still have the metal adornment such as willow nail, these places also want to maintain well.When cleaning these metal parts, use a metal cleaner to carefully clean and maintain.When maintaining the zipper, you can apply some white oil to the zipper. If there is no white oil, you can use salad oil instead, or you can use candle oil to apply, so that the zipper will be easy to pull and not easy to get stuck.