Informacije o proizvodu:
Uzorak: futrola za cveće
Color: white (colored black text),pink (colored black text),mustard yellow (colored black text),wine red (colored white text),army green (colored white text),rose gold (colored map black text) ),light blue (colored black text),dark blue (colored black text),retro blue (colored white text),retro green (colored white text),olive green (colored map black text),light gray (colored map Black words),dark gray (color pictures and white words),purple (color pictures and white words),navy blue (color pictures and white words),dark green (color pictures and white words),dark hemp gray (color pictures and white words),yellow (color pictures) Black words),graphite gray (color pictures and black words),red (color pictures and white words),black (color pictures and white words),orange (color pictures and black words),S-3XL all colors and codes, the shelves will explode! ! ! ,independent station wish Amazon
Veličina: S, M, L, KSL, KSKSL, KSKSKSL
Fit: labav
Tip stila: Urban Casual
Sadržaj sastojka obloge: 71%-80%
Popularni elementi: štampanje
Stil: Hedžing
Naziv tkanine: CVC pamuk
Tip rukava: konvencionalni rukav
Glavni sastav tkanine: 70 pamuk 30 poliester
Pogodna starost: 25-29 godina
Dužina odeće: obična (50cm<dužina odeće≤65cm)
Vrsta inventara: ceo nalog
dužina rukava: kratki rukav
Stil: slobodno vreme
Zanat: pletenje