Informacije o proizvodu:
Uzorak: biljke i cveće
Color: yd1067-wine red, yd1067-navy Blue, yd1067-feather,yd1067-black background, apricot, yd1067-light Blue, yd1067-black background blue flowers, yd1067-white Black on yd1067-apricot,yd1067-purple,ycor1067-gray,ycor1067-blue,ycor1067-Green,ycor1067-red white dots, ycor1067-white dots with black color, ycor1067-cyan white dots, ycor1067-blue with white dots, ycor1067-white background with blue print, ycor1067-apricot on white background, y1067-small flowers on blue background, y1067-flowers on black background
Tip struka: visok struk
Veličina: S, M, L, KSL, KSKSL
Stil: pulover
Tip rukava: običan rukav
Glavni sastav tkanine: poliesterska vlakna
Suknja Kategorija: Haljina