Informacije o proizvodu:
Uzorak: slova/brojevi/tekst
Color: 6801-yellow hoodie (black text on the front and back of the color picture),6801-black hoodie (white text on the front and back of the color picture),6801-dark blue hoodie (white text on the front and back of the color picture),6801-white hoodie (black text on the front and back of the color picture),6801-light gray hoodie (black text on the front and back of the color picture),6801-sand hoodie (black text on the back of the color picture),6801-light green hoodie (black text on the front and back of the color picture),6801-rose gold hoodie (black text on the front and back of the color picture)
Veličina: S, M, L, KSL, KSKSL
Verzija: opšta
Tip stila: ulična moda
Oblik kombinacije: Pojedinačni komad
Popularni elementi: 3D/stereo šablon
Stil: pulover
Debljina: srednja
Naziv tkanine: poliesterska pamučna tkanina od riblje ljuske
Tip rukava: konvencionalni rukav
Glavni sastav tkanine: 70 pamuk i 30 poliester
Dužina: normalna (50 cm