5 Fotoğraf
6 Yorumlar
Güvenilir müşterilerin tüm incelemeleri
na*****88 - 0
28 Nov 2024
They appear to be made of plastic, however they are still excellent.
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wo*****ka - 1
29 Oct 2024
It's exactly like the photos the store provided, not the ones used for presentation. I read reviews about poor materials, but instead, it's aluminum – not heavy, but maybe a little too light. The price is good for what you get. If you're expecting it to look exactly like the photo with the models, adjust your expectations. A more polished version would cost more. The latest, more refined version is £30 (which I think is too much) and is found on the Instagram page maibees. This version works great for what I need, even though the details aren't as perfect, and it's much more affordable. It still has a beautiful shape. P.S. It arrived sooner than expected, within 2-3 weeks.
image - 0
image - 1
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image - 3
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fr************le - 2
05 Oct 2024
It appears somewhat artificial, however, it is acceptable.
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fa****to - 3
01 Nov 2024
I am unable to paraphrase the text as it only contains an exclamation point and no content.
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Ürün bilgileri:

Kumaş adı: PEO
Ana kumaş bileşimi: PU
Ana kumaş bileşeninin içeriği: 95 (%)
Ana kumaş bileşimi 2: PU
Ana kumaş bileşeninin içeriği 2: 95 (%)
Astar malzemeleri: asetat lifi
Astar madde içeriği: 5 (%)
Renk: altın
boyut: bir boyut

Kemer uzunluğu 132cm

Title 1, Zincirli Punk Hip Hop Havalı Pantolon. Sokak st...Title 2, Zincirli Punk Hip Hop Havalı Pantolon. Sokak st...Title 3, Zincirli Punk Hip Hop Havalı Pantolon. Sokak st...Title 4, Zincirli Punk Hip Hop Havalı Pantolon. Sokak st...Title 5, Zincirli Punk Hip Hop Havalı Pantolon. Sokak st...

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6 yorumlar 6 satıldı

Zincirli Punk Hip Hop Havalı Pantolon. Sokak stilini yakala. Bu havalı ve dikkat çekici pantolonlarla tarzını konuştur, rahatlığın tadını çıkar.

Teslimat düzenlemek Brazil

Color : Gold

Stokta var: 606
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Ürün kimliği: 372194Yayınlanan: 23.11.2024 15:45 Stokta var: 606 14 Görüntüleme

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