9 foto
5 Reseñas
10 Oct 2024
Works very well with my iPhone 11 Pro max, easy to set via nfc tool :)
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he*********fe - 1
10 Oct 2024
The shipping was very fast, I was impressed. They work fine! Just as described. I'm very satisfied of this purchase.
image - 0
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gi***********in - 2
17 Nov 2024
It took a lot longer than was planned at the time of ordering. But it must be recognized that with the situation of COVID-19, the whole world is somewhat out of date about shipping times.
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08 Nov 2024
Everything is perfect. They sent it very quickly and then much sooner than expected even with full quarantine going on. I didn't have to contact the seller because it was all excellent. Thank you! They work perfect for amiibos, for now none has failed.
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Material de la etiqueta: papel estucado

Chip: NXP Ntag213/215/216
Capacidad de almacenamiento: 144/504/888 Byte (byte)
Frecuencia de trabajo: 13,56 MHZ
Distancia de lectura: 1-5 CM (dependiendo del lector)
Tiempo de lectura: 1-2 ms
Tiempos de borrado:> 100000 veces
Almacenamiento de datos:> 10 años
Material de la etiqueta: PVC
Estándar de producción: protocolo ISO 14443A
Áreas de aplicación: publicidad inteligente en exteriores, certificación de productos, etiquetas coincidentes para teléfonos móviles, coincidencias Bluetooth o WI FI, etiquetas electrónicas para estantes y tarjetas de visita.

Title 1, tarjeta NFC

Title 2, tarjeta NFCTitle 3, tarjeta NFCTitle 4, tarjeta NFC

Title 5, tarjeta NFC

Title 6, tarjeta NFC

Title 7, tarjeta NFC

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Publicado: 25.11.2024 10:16 En stock: 485 11Puntos de vista

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