5 foto
18 Reseñas
ha******ah - 0
02 Nov 2024
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gr****ts - 1
12 Nov 2024
Very happy, arrived quite quickly, thank you.
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au*************ie - 2
16 Oct 2024
This is a great set! The design and printed pattern on the canvas are clear, the threads feel nice and are somewhat different from the embroidery floss in other sets I've bought before (not from this store). They aren't inferior, just different. They seem more wool-like, though I can't definitively say what they're made of.
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31 Oct 2024
The products from this factory are consistently of high quality. The seller included a thoughtful kit with helpful embroidery items in the package ♥. Thank you very much. I recommend both this seller and these products. I will be purchasing from them again soon.
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Tela: Algodón
Patrón: patrón de animales
Estilo: simple y moderno
Espacio aplicable: dormitorio

A: Hilo de algodón poliéster 3 hilos 37 colores 48*68
B: Hilo poliéster/algodón 4 hilos 37 colores 48*68
C: Hilo de puro algodón 3 hebras 37 colores 48*68

D: Hilo de puro algodón 4 hebras 37 colores 48*68Title 1, ¡Crea adorables gatitos con punto de cruz! Kit ...Title 2, ¡Crea adorables gatitos con punto de cruz! Kit ...Title 3, ¡Crea adorables gatitos con punto de cruz! Kit ...Title 4, ¡Crea adorables gatitos con punto de cruz! Kit ...Title 5, ¡Crea adorables gatitos con punto de cruz! Kit ...

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18 comentarios 18 vendido

¡Crea adorables gatitos con punto de cruz! Kit completo para bordar, perfecto para principiantes y amantes de los gatos. Disfruta de la costura.

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Color : Cat A

Cat A
Cat B
Cat C
Cat D
En stock: 627
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Publicado: 19.11.2024 15:36 En stock: 627 45Puntos de vista

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