5 foto
3 Avaliações
16 Oct 2024
Very nice, good quality, more than I expected. Thank you.
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jw****hi - 1
18 Nov 2024
Set I really like the quality is excellent, I order the second time, the first set saw her daughter really liked it, too, decided to give her a gift, in November birthday, made an order, but in stock did not appear, it was necessary to wait somewhere a week, they wrote to the seller and here they received three days before the birthday❣Thank you very much to the seller for his honest work I recommend the seller and the store❤
image - 0
image - 1
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li**********ki - 2
21 Oct 2024
Does not look very silver to me :( But it's pretty, I like it
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Informações materiais:

Material: Prata

Lista de embalagem:

Terno de quatro peças * 1

Informações de tamanho:

Title 1, Colar de prata 925 com topázio azul céu, conjun...

Title 2, Colar de prata 925 com topázio azul céu, conjun...Title 3, Colar de prata 925 com topázio azul céu, conjun...Title 4, Colar de prata 925 com topázio azul céu, conjun...Title 5, Colar de prata 925 com topázio azul céu, conjun...Title 6, Colar de prata 925 com topázio azul céu, conjun...Title 7, Colar de prata 925 com topázio azul céu, conjun...Title 8, Colar de prata 925 com topázio azul céu, conjun...Title 9, Colar de prata 925 com topázio azul céu, conjun...Title 10, Colar de prata 925 com topázio azul céu, conjun...

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3 reviews 3 verkopen

Colar de prata 925 com topázio azul céu, conjunto de quatro peças para um visual elegante e sofisticado, perfeito para você.

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style : 4pcs set

4pcs set
Em estoque: 562
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Publicados: 23.11.2024 20:30 Em estoque: 562 6Visualizações

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