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18 Nov 2024
They got there early. Very early.
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27 Nov 2024
These glasses are functional and of decent quality. They have a photochromic feature, though it's not very strong. The black tint is very dark, best suited for bright sunlight. The inner frame tends to detach, but can be fixed with glue at the attachment points. Overall, vision is good, offering protection and comfort, although improvements would be welcome.
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16 Nov 2024
These glasses are excellent for different types of staining and can be used year-round, in both sunny and foggy conditions. They've been particularly helpful for me because my eyes were irritated by the dry air from wearing a mask during the pandemic. The foam padding between the glasses and my face provides good wind protection, even if the adhesion isn't perfect. Overall, the foam is great for protection. They come in two models: one anti-glare and one photochromic (also known as photosensitive). The photochromic version darkens enough to effectively filter the summer sun in the South of France. I'm very happy with these glasses and appreciate this site!
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15 Nov 2024
The product matches what was described.
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Material: PC
Graus: sem graus
Especificação: terno
Estilo: quadro completo
Tipo: óculos
O conjunto completo inclui: 1. Caixa de dedo EVA 2. Bolsa de espelho, pano de espelho e bolsa de lente 3. Desgaste da cabeça 4. Perna de espelho 5. Armação de óculos 6. Elástico 7. Filme transparente, filme amarelo, filme cinza e filme de chá 8. Cartão de teste de polarização

  • Title 1, Óculos táticos esportivos para equitação. Visão...
  • Title 2, Óculos táticos esportivos para equitação. Visão...
  • Title 3, Óculos táticos esportivos para equitação. Visão...
  • Title 4, Óculos táticos esportivos para equitação. Visão...
  • Title 5, Óculos táticos esportivos para equitação. Visão...

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26 reviews 21 verkopen

Óculos táticos esportivos para equitação. Visão clara, proteção UV, ajuste seguro e durabilidade. Perfeitos para ciclismo e esportes ao ar livre.

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Style : Polarized suit

Polarized suit
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Publicados: 27.11.2024 07:26 Em estoque: 663 82Visualizações

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