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gj**de - 0
05 Oct 2024
The diffuser works well; my hair dryer fits on it without issue. It dries hair fast, adds volume, and doesn't snag. The only drawback is that it detaches from the hair dryer, particularly when hot. The rubber bands used to secure it don't hold the diffuser firmly on the fan. Perhaps a horizontal, rather than vertical, ribbed design would improve its stability, as others have suggested. Overall, a solution is needed to keep it attached. Additionally, the packaging is very poor. It's a miracle the diffuser arrived undamaged, as the box was completely crushed.
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je*****79 - 1
29 Oct 2024
Regrettably, the bowl did not meet the anticipated standards. Following its use, the curly hair becomes excessively fluffy, the inner surface gets very hot, the plastic is of poor quality, and there's an unpleasant odor. It detaches from the hair dryer every time, even though it initially attached and stayed in place. The sole positive aspect is that it holds a significant amount of hair, and that's the extent of its benefits. The hair dryer's diffuser will need to be used, or a new alternative will have to be found. It was a waste of money. The packaging was inadequate, consisting only of a box with thin bubble wrap around the edges, yet the diffuser was loose within, making its arrival intact a surprise.
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28 Oct 2024
Received the item promptly. Appreciate the seller's efficiency.
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st***********am - 3
10 Oct 2024
I assumed it was a method related to curls. Led Bomb
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Informações do produto:

Tipo de cabelo aplicável: molhado e seco
Diâmetro do condutor de calor: 15mm ou menos
Melhor tempo de modelagem: 1-2 minutos
Número de segmentos: 1 segmento
Potência: Versão atualizada em preto elegante, versão atualizada em branco bonito (W)

Lista de embalagem :

Pára-brisa X1

Title 1, Touca Universal para Secador de Cabelo, Secagem...Title 2, Touca Universal para Secador de Cabelo, Secagem...Title 3, Touca Universal para Secador de Cabelo, Secagem...Title 4, Touca Universal para Secador de Cabelo, Secagem...Title 5, Touca Universal para Secador de Cabelo, Secagem...

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8 reviews 8 verkopen

Touca Universal para Secador de Cabelo, Secagem de Cabelos Cacheados, Obtenha Cachos Definidos Rápido e Fácil, Touca Ajustável para Uso Doméstico.

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Color : Elegant black

Elegant black
Elegant white
Em estoque: 575
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Publicados: 25.11.2024 19:09 Em estoque: 575 25Visualizações

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