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41 Avaliações
tt**el - 0
03 Nov 2024
Wonderful, I suggest.
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fr******on - 1
09 Nov 2024
They conform to the ear like a mold. The ends are exceptionally comfortable and soft.
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al*************nn - 2
13 Nov 2024
The sound quality is excellent and they are very comfortable to wear; they connect automatically as soon as the charging case is opened.
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ja************cz - 3
07 Nov 2024
The seller shipped fast but the delivery was slow. The product is good. I haven't tested all functions yet but it seems to be working as advertised and very quickly. When watching a video there is very little to no delay with the sound. They are light and fit in ears well. Sound: bass lacks depth and power but is very accurate. Highs are also a bit on the low side and not very distinctive. Mids are quite good but can get a little harsh on higher volumes. With some phone app you can just tone the Mids down a bit and have a pretty decent sound (without much bass). Overall for the price they are very well working and sounding earbuds. It seems to be working very well and the sound is good. You probably can't get better wireless earbuds from Finland for around 20 euros.
image - 0
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Alcance de transmissão: 20 m
Funções: display de bateria, função de chamada, controle de voz, suporte para música, conexão multiponto
Protocolo Bluetooth: 5.0
Canal: som estéreo
Uso: Tipo de tampão de ouvido
Único e binaural: estéreo de dois ladosTitle 1, Fone de ouvido Bluetooth in-ear para corrida, s...Title 2, Fone de ouvido Bluetooth in-ear para corrida, s...Title 3, Fone de ouvido Bluetooth in-ear para corrida, s...Title 4, Fone de ouvido Bluetooth in-ear para corrida, s...Title 5, Fone de ouvido Bluetooth in-ear para corrida, s...

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41 reviews 39 verkopen

Fone de ouvido Bluetooth in-ear para corrida, sem fio, resistente ao suor, com ajuste seguro e som de alta fidelidade. Perfeito para atletas.

Entrega editar Brazil

Color : Black

Em estoque: 700
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Publicados: 25.11.2024 19:27 Em estoque: 700 100Visualizações

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