7 foto
137 Avaliações
aa*******mi - 0
01 Oct 2024
While the protective glad is well-made, the plastic supports used for tightening feel flimsy. One of them broke quickly. Replacing it with a screw and bolt is simple and makes it much more dependable, especially at higher speeds. Overall, the product is satisfactory.
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ju*****71 - 1
19 Oct 2024
Very well made
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05 Oct 2024
This was precisely what I required. I was only able to locate this seller, who offers the de brackets for individual purchase.
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31 Oct 2024
This is my second purchase of this product, and while the windshield itself is excellent and performs well at high speeds, I had a negative issue this time. The mounting threads weren't fully drilled, causing damage when I tried to install the screws. I was able to fix it myself, but the repair isn't visually perfect. Despite this, the product arrived quickly and I am generally pleased with it.
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Material: vidro orgânico
Nome: pára-brisa da motocicleta
Características: Pára-brisa ajustável pequena placa grande

Title 1, Clip para parabrisa dianteiro de moto que aumen...Title 2, Clip para parabrisa dianteiro de moto que aumen...Title 3, Clip para parabrisa dianteiro de moto que aumen...Title 4, Clip para parabrisa dianteiro de moto que aumen...Title 5, Clip para parabrisa dianteiro de moto que aumen...

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137 reviews 116 verkopen

Clip para parabrisa dianteiro de moto que aumenta a altura, melhora a aerodinâmica, reduz fadiga do piloto, fácil instalação e maior visibilidade.

Entrega editar Brazil

Color : 29cm Brown

29cm Brown
29cm Grey
29cm Transparent
Em estoque: 501
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Publicados: 25.11.2024 17:08 Em estoque: 501 367Visualizações

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