True, it arrived quickly. HOWEVER: When stuffing a cigarette, the tobacco is made very fine. Ash constantly falls down very often with embers. The result after using it for a week is a burnt seat in the car and a nervous breakdown. Wanted to sell the device again on Ebay, but then got an idea and I could still save the device. So a tip for everyone who has already been robbed or is still buying. 1) Carefully disassemble the device 2) Dismantle the spiral with the reducer and motor together 3) The spiral is 15 cm long. With 2 pliers, carefully extend the spiral to a length of 19 cm. 4) Shorten the spiral to 14.5 cm 5 Pipes for the cigarette are cut at an angle at the top on one side. You must cut the pipes in such a way that the angle comes from below (be careful not to cut too short) 8 Reassemble and enjoy This is all, of course, at your own risk and only for the infrared machine.