10 foto
41 Avaliações
ho********in - 0
09 Oct 2024
Wow, this eyeshadow palette is beautiful! For a replica, it's really pretty and the colors are well pigmented.
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mi***************ki - 1
10 Oct 2024
Very adorable! The case is a bit difficult to open.
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mt**mp - 2
04 Oct 2024
Unfortunately, one of the glitter pieces arrived damaged, but the rest of the items were in good condition and the colors were exceptionally beautiful.
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ql***er - 3
03 Nov 2024
Unfortunately, a color shattered during transit, resulting in a large, glittery spill :(. However, after some cleanup, the situation is resolved.
image - 0
image - 1
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Informações do produto:

Cor: rosa, amarelo, vermelho, marrom
Eficácia: modificação
Classificação de cores: 1 # Starlight Coral, 2 # Abóbora Caramelo, 3 # Rosa Rosa, 4 # Aveia de Grão, 5 # Mocha Perfumado Puro
Textura: perolado, pulverulento
Estilo: animal, CHIC, INS, maré nacional, menina/estudante

Lista de embalagem:

Paleta de sombras * 1

Title 1, Paleta de Sombras 10 Tons Earth

Title 2, Paleta de Sombras 10 Tons Earth

Title 3, Paleta de Sombras 10 Tons Earth

Title 4, Paleta de Sombras 10 Tons Earth

Title 5, Paleta de Sombras 10 Tons Earth

Title 6, Paleta de Sombras 10 Tons Earth

Title 7, Paleta de Sombras 10 Tons Earth

Title 8, Paleta de Sombras 10 Tons Earth

Title 9, Paleta de Sombras 10 Tons Earth

Title 10, Paleta de Sombras 10 Tons Earth

Title 11, Paleta de Sombras 10 Tons Earth

Title 12, Paleta de Sombras 10 Tons Earth

Title 13, Paleta de Sombras 10 Tons Earth

Title 14, Paleta de Sombras 10 Tons Earth

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Publicados: 16.11.2024 19:46 Em estoque: 600 107Visualizações

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